Thursday, February 10, 2022

Can You Hear Me, Now

Real-life stories of answered prayer and miracles told by people we feel are credible increase our faith to believe God will come through for us. There's nothing wrong with that! He came through for them, He will prove faithful to you! That answer you seek will probably look different, because God is increasing your faith in the way you need to experience it. Trust His wisdom and provision.

The Father wants us to draw closer in relationship to Him. As we do, we learn to hear His voice which instills peace knowing He has our best interest at His heart. Sometimes, the answer to our prayer may be in being the answer to someone else's prayer. We forget about ourselves and focus on another's need. We are His hands and become a river of blessing in His infinite supply as I AM (His own name for Himself). Hello!

Let's stop and think about that name: I AM. In the Old Testament account of Moses about to confront Pharaoh and liberate the Israelites, Moses timidly asks God, "Ummm...Who shall I say sent me?" That's when God throws His name out with authority. "Tell them, I AM WHO I AM has sent me to you...This is My name forever, and how I am to be remembered throughout all generations" (Exodus 3:14-15). WOAH! Powerful! That same authority is listening for you to call to Him!

"When God's people pray for help, He listens and rescues them from their troubles" (Psalm 34:17).

Can anyone say, "Thank You, God, for hearing my prayers"?

~ "Sam"

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