Friday, February 4, 2022

Walking-Talking Temple

From the time Solomon, son of King David, built the Temple, it has been desecrated, plundered, destroyed and partially rebuilt throughout history. The inner most court of the Temple was known as the Holy of Holies where the Chief Priest, alone, was permitted to enter the presence of God for only one day out of the entire year to make atonement for the sins of the people of Israel.

Enter Jesus and everything changed. He became the atoning sacrifice for our sins - not for just one day, but for every day! 

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive our sins. We can trust God to do what is right and just to make our lives clean" 1 John 1:9.

Throughout history, mankind has done a thorough job of destroying our own lives. But, when we ask for forgiveness of our sins, God cleans the inner place of our lives and His presence takes up residence in our hearts making us His walking-talking Temple!

If you've never invited Him to forgive your sins, do it, now. Then, invite Him to live in your heart as Savior and Lord. Then, give thanks for His great love toward you in promising a new life and hope of eternity with Him! AMEN!

~ "Sam"

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