Thursday, September 29, 2011

Girlfriends-in-Ministry: What's a Worry-Pot(pie) To Do?

It was the wee hours of the morning I was to speak at a ladies’ retreat. My mind was busy before I opened my eyes. I was worried. My mind was mapping out various strategies to attempt to solve what I’ve deemed The-Really-Big-Problem. No matter which approach I made, The-Really-Big-Problem loomed. At one point, I almost saw it growing. How can I speak about casting our cares on God, when my faith is paralyzed from worry?

In early August The-Really-Big-Problem was an obstacle to an opportunity when the assuring voice of God whispered, “Watch what I can do.” I calmed myself instantly. Now, weeks later, thinking I had mistaken the whisper to be of my own making, I allowed The-Really-Big-Problem to, once again, begin suffocating my faith.

When will I learn those lessons?

Because God is a long-suffering Father, He chose to reveal His promise to me while I was reading in Jeremiah. If you’ve ever read this book in the Bible, you’ll understand it’s not a pleasurable read. It was on my list for September and determination was my drive to quickly get through that book until Chapter 6, verse18 (CEV).

There it was. No. There HE was capturing my attention in black and white with the same assuring words meant as a warning to an obstinate nation.

Worry is never useful. It diminishes us. Perspective is skewed causing opposing ideas to God and His Word. The imagination worry conjures cuts the oxygen to our faith. Thus, pulling the plug on an abundant life pleasing to our loving, living Creator.

What's a Worry-Pot(pie) to do?  I will tear down imaginations and every thing (like The-Really-Big-Problem) that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and disable every anxious thought to make it obedient to Christ. --2 Corinthians 10:5

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