Saturday, June 15, 2019

Follow The Twins

06.15.19.   Trust & Rest are complimentary words. In a way, they are twins. 

We see both in Psalm 23 frolicking in a meadow and making their way to the refreshing stream. Like lambs they are herded by the Good Shepherd to this scenic place. And, because they are twins connected by some unseen tether, they stay close separating just far enough each can sense the other twin's nearness. 

An onlooker could hardly distinguish the two until they moved together. Their DNA is so similar, but their personalities reveal the difference. 

Trust has that frisky nature. Meandering quietly along until he looks up alerted to something only he sees, kicks his heels, and darts forward, occasionally, headbutting another lamb. He makes it to the shore's edge, first, and calls out the invitation. 

Tenderly grazing along is Rest, the gentle-eyed sibling, who is in no hurry. Eventually he joins his brother and sees the best spot to kneel for a cool sip. Because the other sheep having been traveling in this herd for most of their lives, they've seen the twins in action and follow. Then, together, they find a nesting area in the grass to lay their travel-sore bodies and slumber deep through the night until morning's light wakes them. Strength being restored, they rise and follow The Good Shepherd out, again.

The relationship of the twins to the Good Shepherd is easily missed if not understood. In His wisdom, He has prodded and protected the herd for the entire journey in the direction that was known to Him. At times the landscape was treacherous, but from His vantage point, the path always visible. He knew each sheep from birth and watched them grow into the pet-names He lovingly bestowed. At times the herd would need a course correction, because they had wandered apart as they were busy doing what sheep do, but He found each one.

The Good Shepherd had watched little Trust and Rest move in partnership and encouraged them to continue. Each time, the flock followed the twin's behavior, He observed those sheep would be ready for the next part of the journey.

Dear Reader - Are you soul-weary? Your heart too heavy for another step? Perhaps your body aches from the daily journey weighted with a burden?

It's time. Time to follow The Good Shepherd who knows the path to the lush meadow where your needs will be met. It's time to Trust as He leads you to the safe and perfect place where nourishment awaits as a feast. It's time to Rest completely knowing He watches over you as your body, mind and soul are restored.

We can push ourselves to the physical and emotional limit, yet, feel like we have not done enough. Then, in our own weakened condition, we keep pushing until our body and mind give out.

I see this in ministry leaders and family leaders and business leaders. They work and pull and push and burn the blue light of technology late into the night trying to get an edge or get ahead not aware of the toll it's having on them and those around them. Y'all, even God the Creator rested! 

We go, go, go not eating right and not resting properly until utter exhaustion when the body begins to break down leaving the immune system compromised for a cold or some germ to take hold and the mind can no longer focus with clarity rendering decision-making and creativity lifeless. Our "machine" is forced to stop. Are you familiar with this cycle?

Probably the most debilitating is the weariness in your soul where nothing satisfies. The desire for anything feels dead. Passion has no flame. Isolation would feel so good if it didn't hurt so bad. Depression picks up a heavy blanket with its bony fingers, wraps it around your shoulders and clicks off the light leaving you to spiritually decompose.

Come to me, all you who are weary and 
burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

It's time. Time to evaluate your need to Trust and Rest in the Lord's best for you.

After this morning's quiet 5 minutes of praise and prayer, Lysa TerKeurst's words in the EMBRACED Day 15 Devo sparked my soul. Let me encourage you to order or download a copy either at Amazon (click this link) or at Lysa's ministry to women, Proverbs 31 (click this link). AND... for heaven's sake -- go eat and take a nap!

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