Tuesday, July 16, 2019

100 Days of Summer 43-46/100

07.16.19.  Catch up. Sometimes, I'm caught in a whirlpool of perpetual catch up. How about you?

From sun up to sun down. From Monday to Monday. From meal planning to meal prepping to meals-on-the-table. From laundry room to bathroom. You get the picture. You're probably spinning around inside your own whirlpool.

Hubby and I are in different churches most weekends for ministry, which usually entails Saturday travel. This has been our lifestyle for years. At some point, our home needs attention and underwear needs washing. While many do all the house stuff on their weekends, my Monday is everyone's Saturday. Monday is for catching up on all things that keep us going and in good standing with our neighbors.

Occasionally, Monday is too busy from a too full list of catch up items and Monday stuff gets pushed into Tuesday. And, there you have it -- today is Tuesday which finds me able to sit in front of the computer, finally, to catch up on #100daysofSummer.

The EMBRACED book devotions by Lysa TerKeurst that I haven't blogged about over the past three days have been soul-filling. One especially caught me. Day 44: The Courageous Choice.

Lysa addresses two kinds of courage. One we see in firefighters and other heroes who do brave things by slaying evil things. Then, the other is the courageous choice as she defines "is the decision to do the right thing even when it's unpopular, uncelebrated and probably even unnoticed."

That definition. (gulp)

That definition paired with Philippians 1:20. (double gulp)

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

So, I decided to catch up an inventory of courageous choices I make to see if they bring a smile to the Father's face. When we make courageous choices, seen or unseen, we are living in faith and faith makes the Father happy! Read Hebrews 11:6 for extra credit.

I make a courageous choice to:

  • read my Bible and to read other books, like EMBRACED, to nourish my soul
  • be active and provide a way for others to be active
  • select clean music in my fitness classes
  • gather in pinky-prayer at the end of my cardio classes
  • send love note text messages to my children
  • pause the schedule to attend doctor appointments with my momma
  • promote missions, local, homefront and international on social media
  • wear a running skirt with confidence, because #modestishottest
  • plan health-conscious meals for my household
  • happily greeting business men into our home for their breakfast Bible study on Fridays
  • keep my mouth closed when it's not that important for me to verbally beat my chest
  • speak up when the situation demands a voice
  • find time to pull away from all the noise and recharge my inner battery
  • blogging for 100-ish days about what God drops in my heart even if my followers are less than 20 
  • being ok living in my own skin without comparison to others

Everyday we choose to show up for that every day thing that we do is brave. We could throw up our hands in frustration because of the monotony of the mundane or the unappreciative feeling that sparks inside our chest when others appear flippant. Yet, we remain constant. We are not doormats, but we are gracious. 

It's time to go catch up on your own courageous choice list, hand it over to God without being ashamed.

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