Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Personal Desperation

Hubby was out of the country. It was my turn to teach the Bible study group. Praying and prepping led to a study of being spiritually desperate for the Divine. Wrapping up the study were three points when being in personal desperation.

A whisper tugged at me, "Pay attention. You're gonna need this."

STOP trying to manipulate a solution to your problem .
God’s ways and thoughts are higher than my own and my attempts to bring about a solution can often worsen the situation. 

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your way and My thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).

Ok, God. Point taken.

PERSIST in crying out to God in prayer.
I’m guilty of wanting to pray, once, and be done because I want God to immediately respond. While instant answers to prayer do happen, I am on God's to-do list as He develops strength and faith in me when answers are delayed and I continually come to Him. 

Taking the reins comes honestly almost innately to me. My mom raised us to be independent, reminding us, "You don't need anyone." I kick into gear. It's not an act of rebellion or being snarky. Consequently, when answers to prayer are delayed, I assume the responsibility and take matters into my own hands. 

To say God is too busy isn't my thought process. However, my actions truly stem from the root of a lack of persistence to trust Him. 

Here I am, still learning this lesson. When answers are delayed, we are spending more time in prayer or even joining in prayer meetings. Join me in letting our problems drive us to the Problem-Solver!

WAIT for God’s solution and breakthrough.

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" (Isaiah 40:31)

Once God responds, don’t stop there. Let your heart and soul burn brightest with His desperation to see others come to Him.

And, for the record... I am in the big, fat middle of needing this. Stop. Persist. Wait. Repeat. <sigh>

Does this ring true with you? Say so, below. Someone may need to hear your voice.

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