Thursday, January 19, 2017

Soul Feed

Weigh her soul.

Under nourished. 

What does she want?

She wants the burden lifted. She wants flight. 

Binging on empty calories from hours of social media and bubblegum books have left her sluggish. Not all, but some songs are sprinkled with sour lyrics and saucy themes. With too much salt, those seemingly tasty television series do little, but increase her thirst for that something she cannot quite figure out. Movies! Now, that's the dish to order! She's hungry and takes, three slices with extra cheese!

Her insides want to escape the current mood which has attached itself from too much bad news and sad tales and of worldwide need. But, what does she need?

She needs to feast on the good and the whole and the sustaining. But, this soul is too weak, too numb, too groggy from the recent greasy, carb-load and, finally, succumbs to sleep.

Deep thirst awakens her soul. With focus, she is intentional to quench it with the writings of
others' books and blogs who, too, unwittingly starved their souls and are back to wholesome choices. Her soul drains the entire glass until the need for breath forces her to gasp and take search for sustenance. Ahhh.

"Taste and see." Mmmm, there it is! Soul food! She is satisfied with simple fare perfectly seasoned. Resolve is strengthened with this whole grain goodness of the Word. Desire for study with community is iron-fortified. Her soul is joyfully satiated! This soul feed is lasting, yet, resets the appetite for truth and prudence and living water.

The Dessert Menu: (suggested books & media & resources)
"A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash." -Proverbs 15:14 NLT
"An intelligent person is always eager to take in more truth; fools feed on fast-food fads and fancies." -Proverbs 15:14 MSG
"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." -John 4:14 NLT

If this post resonates with your soul, please comment, below. I sure would like to hear from you.

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