Saturday, June 1, 2019

100 Days of Summer

06.01.19  My hubby, Terry, is out the door bound for deep in the soul of Georgia to minister. My momma is resting. It is quiet in the house and I gather the tools.

Recently added fitness classes and longer runs have tightened my calves, as well as one of my hips. The tools gathered for this work are for the softening of the fascia which is the connective tissue that encase muscle fibers and muscles: A stability ball and foam rollers of various strengths. I have a love-hate relationship with this equipment in that for them to do their job, I must use these tools to self-inflict pain to bring about a softening; thus, a relief to the muscle itself and the connected areas.

There is another part of me in desperate need of work. 

Sometime in the middle of the previous months, I felt a niggle in my spirit to come closer for there is work to be done. The deep, necessary work of the Spirit working on my spirit making it into what is useful and beautiful to Him. 

With worship music playing, I reach for the tools for spiritual work; my She Reads Truth Bible I received at Christmas from my children and the book, Embraced: 100 Devotions to Know God is Holding You Close, I purchased during a women's conference where best-selling author, Lysa TerKeurst, was a guest speaker.

I am setting aside, not only this moment for the work, but the next 100 days of summer for the reworking of my body, mind and spirit and, as if this wasn't challenge enough, I'm pairing it -at least, part if it- with a fast. This is Day 1.

In Lysa's Day 1 devo, she prays through some verses in Psalms, like the one in chapter 84 that reminds us the place where God dwells is lovely. Instantly the words pop into my head, "I am God's dwelling place; therefore I am lovely." What girl doesn't want to be known as lovely? I believe I'll tuck that knowledge into my spirit for the beginning of this work of spirit-softening. That was an easy first-day sesh of spiritual work!

Then, for some reason, when I read "I want it to be evident that I'm a girl who spends time with Jesus and that He's working on me," a pained whimper escapes my throat. Uh-oh. This must be where the Spirit begins His tooling to break down that spiritual fascia which has hardened.

Why is my spirit hard? Much like our physical muscles, the spirit muscle can be made stiff by injury or inactivity. This requires God's Spirit to use His tools to soften, break-up and release. His tools are not meant to harm us, but they feel sharp when applied. That sharp pain is to bring us into good health and movement. Hebrews 4:12 comes to mind, "For the Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword cutting between soul and spirit, joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires."

That whimper must have been at the moment when the sharp tool made its separating cut to exposing my real issue.

Most anyone who has had a massage walks in, disrobes and exposes the area she thinks is the culprit. However, the massage therapist works with skilled hands and, sometimes using tools, for a myofascial release on another area which brings healing to multiple connected areas. 

The next hour is spent softening both my spirit and my body. Actually, I know this softening will take longer than just one session. In fact, I already know God plans to sharpen me in this same process. But, that is for another day.

Would you join me on this #100DaysOfSummer where we'll expose our spirits to the Spirit of God and invite Him to do the hard work of making us soft?

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