Monday, June 8, 2015

REFIT LoveRules Challenge Day 8

Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: What! You too? I thought that I was the only one.
--C. S. Lewis


#Connection is powerful. It has the potential to demolish loneliness & create intimacy. For today's ‪#‎LoveRules‬, we want to challenge you guys to connect people to each other. If you see someone struggling with fear of________, hopelessness in a situation or drowning in the pool of mommy guilt...connect them with someone a little further along in the journey.

Connect people with similar interests, journeys, and stories. Comfort is the fruit of connection. People want to know that they are not the only ones out dealing with that particular issue or struggling with that exact form of fear.

Look for ways you can connect people to each other and be a catalyst for change!

LADIES, WANNA CONNECT? Maybe we can find our "Me, too!" moment! 

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