Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Priorities (Third Priority Part 1)

Well, here we are halfway through our Priorities list! Because I'm a "Chatty Patty" with this third priority, I'll share what I've learned in two different posts.

1. God
2. Family
3. Ministry (or Career)
4. Myself

In I Timothy 4:12, Paul challenges Timothy to “…set [be] an example for believers in speech, life, in love, in faith and in purity.” Sadly I confess that I haven’t always been the example described in this verse. Thank the Lord I’ve been aware of the Holy Ghost checking my spirit, even when it’s after the fact.

I’ve learned that …

  • My every word and decision ALWAYS affects someone else.
  • My opinions have value. However, there is wisdom in timing.
  • I should never speak poorly about my predecessor, current pastor or other staff members. A critical tongue/spirit will cripple my ministry effectiveness to others (Titus 3:1-2)
  • What I say could possibly close a person’s spirit toward those in leadership. Simply by casting a shadow of doubt has the same result without saying a word. 
  • I look smarter when I keep my mouth closed. *A lesson I keep repeating.
  • Ministry can be a great outlet for my talents, creativity and abilities.
  • Ministries are to be shared. Just because I may be able to do it better, doesn’t necessarily mean I am the “anointed one” for that ministry. Take others along for the ride (Ephesians 4:12) using this simple method (I'm sure you already know): 
How to Train:
1.  Show the person how (by example);
2. Take their hand and do it together; and
3. Let them do it while you watch; then
4. Release them to train another 
QUOTE BY JOHN MAXWELL:  Success always leaves a successor.

  • A lesson from my honey, Terry: Relax. Mature in the Lord and ministry will come…even though you have dreams for more. If it is a God-given dream, it will come to fruition. 
  • If you believe God has placed a burden for ministry in your heart: (1) Pray for confirmation; (2) Pray for your spouse; (3) Pray for a plan and (4) Pray for timing. Perhaps we exhaust and frustrate ourselves (and others) when we try to push against God’s timing.
  • In most cases, it is our husbands who have been hired or appointed, not us. We may make constructive suggestions in private to our husbands; however, we should not wield our desires and schemes through them.
  • Never make any changes on your own initiative. We should never “bump” authority. (Titus 3:1)
  • When someone doesn’t understand the reasoning behind our husbands’ words or decisions, we shouldn’t try to cushion or explain. Instead, we should defer any personal comments and suggest that person speak with our husbands.
  • Yes, to a certain level our husbands can control their calendar. But, we should be flexible. It affords peace and keeps our homes as sanctuaries.
  • Husbands must make the situation conducive for shared ministry.
I know some may take issue with me. It's ok. Some are lessons I've learned the hard way most likely because I have a "strong personality" and have rushed in with guns blazing without considering if the Holy Spirit had a different plan. Surely Jesus must look at me, shake His head as He goes as the Advocate before the Father, "But she's come so far."

Does this strike something in your spirit?

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