Fitness & Nutrition


Smiling at 50!
Yep, that's me!
I turn the big 5 - 0 on June 28, 2014!
...and smiling the whole way!

I'm really not sure what to plan for the occasion. Terry and I are working on that one, because he'll be 50 on October 25!

Thought about a Bucket List. "50 Things To Do Before" or "50 Things About 50."

Love the idea of a Reverse Bucket List. It's sort of a list of blessings, really.

Regardless, I think I'll keep up with what's going on before, during and dashing away from the date, not the age! 

I'm on Facebook and Twitter and, even, the black hole known as Pinterest, commenting and posting and tweeting and "Like"ing and pinning my journey.

Come with me. It's not scary. You may even find yourself #smilingat50 ~

Smiling at 50: Going Public
Smiling at 50: Training Week 1
Smiling at 50: My Wonderful Report
Smiling at 50: Training Week 2
Smiling at 50: Empty-nesters
Smiling at 50: People Matter More
Smiling at 50: Language
Smiling at 50: New Year's Goal Accomplished!
My Reverse Bucket List
Sam's Middle Half

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